Sunday, November 09, 2008

My love, I am sorry to hurt you......

I am sorry to hurt your feelings my love

I should have kept my promises as I have told you

But I don't know the reason why I did wrong to you

I felt sad when I show your tears rolling on your cheeks

I know you are very upset over me

and don't want to talk to me either

If you feel that I had hurt you by unpleasant words

then please forgive me and accept my sorry

Do not stop talking to me my love

If you do so, my heart will burst into thousand pieces

You know how much I am in love with you

and without you my loneliness will take me to hell

Always, there is a special place in my heart for you

where my love for you is so passionate and true

No one can melt my heart like you do nor clutch my soul to give me new life like you

My love, please talk to me again and I promise your love in my life will be pleasant until my end...

When I'm with you,

eternity is a step away,

my love continues to grow,

with each passing day.

This treasure of love,

I cherish within my soul,

how much I love you...

you'll never really know.

You bring a joy to my heart,

I've never felt before,

with each touch of your hand,

I love you more and more.

Whenever we say goodbye,

whenever we part,

know I hold you dearly,

deep inside my heart.

So these seven words,

I pray you hold true,

"Forever And Always,

I Will Love You."


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How can I tell you what I feel for you?
When I think of you my feelings twist inside
As if someone's fist reached in and grabbed a few,
And turned and turned them tight and tangled. I've tried
Somehow to say: You're the sun in my sky,
The wind that takes me where I want to go,
The sweet incense that makes me feel so high
That loving you seems all I need to know.
But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds too cute,
Empty as a wrinkled paper bag.
You won't believe it! Better I stay mute
Than offer you cliches that make you gag.
And yet I wish to tell you of my love,
If only love its own locks would remove!

Loving you is something that comes easy,
Like walking in the sunshine to a song,
Like being in a place where you belong,
Like finding reasons when you know you're ready.
Nor do I care that working days are dreary,
The pay's a pittance and the hours are long.
Knowing that you love me keeps me strong,
The light within that lets me see life clearly.
Why is love the music of our meaning,
The lilt that makes our labor worth our living,
The loveliness no platitude can bear?
In you I have a harvest past all gleaning,
A gift arrested in the act of giving,
A moment of delight that's always there....
Love U drey...